Thursday, 20 December 2012

Story-Board and Planning Sheet


First I had to plan what I was going to do, it is very important to plan, as it establishes how you will be working, for example without a plan you will miss shots, not have enough footage, the time you thought it would take to film,  will be unrealistic,  when you begin to edit you will realise that you need to film again or that you missed something out...

… for example working without a plan you will miss shots, not have enough footage, the time you thought it would take to film,  will be unrealistic,  when you begin to edit you will realise that you need to film again or that you missed something out...

… These are the reasons why I  planned as I then had a clear brief on what needed  to be achieved; and how long it will take me to achieve it. Not only is a plan a successful way to complete a filming assignment, it is also realistic, as in the filming industry planning is key in completing a filming project; not only does a plan correspond with each step you take in making the film: it also gave me a clear understanding of how I would edit;  as thinking and planning ahead is key in developing a well made piece,  showing that you are competent in doing so.

At first I found planning difficult but my tutor said that there are many sites such as ‘The Art of the Title Sequence’ and ‘OCR media’ by doing some research and looking at these sites and studying a lot of title sequences, I began to paint a clear picture in my mind of what I wanted to create and how I was going to do it.

The storey board you see is what I achieved from some of my planning. It was essential in helping me film my title sequence; as I used them frequently to check if I was on track, and so that it would all come together when I edit.
To conclude I am glad that I planned as it was an effective and practical way to direct my self; when it came to filming,  I was not obscure in my decisions, but focused.

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